Quanzhi Gaoshou Specials
Avg. Score 3.5/5
Status Completed
Eps 4
Aired Apr 27, 2018 to May 11, 2018
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The All-Star Tournament is a three-day event that allows e-sports participants from various professional clubs to display their skills, while also giving casual Glory players the chance to interact with pros in the flesh. Retired top-tier Glory player Ye Xiu agrees to watch the tournament together with Tang Rou and Chen Guo after the latter manages to get ahold of three tickets. It is a strange sensation for Ye Xiu, as unlike previous occasions, this time he attends the tournament as a spectator, not a participant. However, despite his attempts to keep a low profile, events in the All-Star Tournament may force the former Glory legend back into the limelight.

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