This movie, based on an anecdote of "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu" written by novelist Tanaka Yoshiki, preludes the 110-episodes TV series by describing the first encounter between the ambitious young man Reinhard von Museal under the imperial flag and the passive Yang Wenli who serves a corrupting democracy. Set in an imaginative future, the story describes the first encounter between Yang and Reinhard and discusses how heroes are born.
This movie, based on an anecdote of "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu" written by novelist Tanaka Yoshiki, preludes the 110-episodes TV series by describing the first encounter between the ambitious young man Reinhard von Museal under the imperial flag and the passive Yang Wenli who serves a corrupting democracy. Set in an imaginative future, the story describes the first encounter between Yang and Reinhard and discusses how heroes are born.