Walkure Romanze
Episode 4The story centers around Takahiro Mizuno, a student training to be a begleiter (knight's assistant) at an academy where aspiring knights joust. He himself had come to this academy to train as a knight, after becoming the unrivaled junior champion in his own home country. However, an injury in a tournament's finals forced him to withdraw. Instead, he decides to be a begleiter to one of the academy's maiden knights and help her win.
UFO Princess Valkyrie 4: Toki to Yume to Ginga no Utage (Sub) 2 eps, 2014-09-24 07:29:32
UFO Princess Valkyrie 4: Toki to Yume to Ginga no Utage (Dub) 2 eps, 2015-08-18 18:53:14