Tsubasa to Hotaru

The story revolves around Tsubasa Sonokawa, a 15-year old high school girl who fell in love with her upperclassman when he saved her after she fainted at the train station from anemia. She thought it was a meeting of fate, and visited him at his class every day. However, he told her that her feelings were "heavy," and he dumped her. She once again meets a boy after taking over her friend Yuri's job as boy's basketball team manager. She learns that she might have more of a connection with this boy named Aki than she first thought...

Gintama: Jump Festa 2014 Special 1 eps, 2015-04-22 05:20:37
Fairy Tail (2014) 102 eps, 2016-03-26 14:20:31
Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy 1 eps, 2013-10-22 14:53:50
Gintama: Jump Festa 2008 Special 1 eps, 2016-01-28 16:14:20
Fairy Tail (2014) (Dub) 102 eps, 2017-03-24 09:42:34
Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary 1 eps, 2014-12-14 10:51:48
Bleach: Jump Festa 2008 1 eps, 2018-07-03 10:54:33
Gintama: Jump Festa 2015 Special 1 eps, 2015-11-21 03:56:21
Gintama: Jump Festa 2005 Special 1 eps, 2016-01-27 17:33:57
The iDOLM@STER: Shiny Festa 3 eps, 2015-01-22 05:14:20
Black Clover 1 eps, 2017-05-08 09:22:38
Shokugeki no Souma OVA 2 eps, 2016-08-22 14:52:41
