Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge

This unconventional, surrealist comedy follows an exhausted high school boy who, despite multiple attempts from his friends, still manages to spectacularly... sleep. Much to the chagrin of the energetic (at times bossy) Oota, Tanaka is often found in a blissful state of lethargy, possessing the ability to doze off in any situation, especially in mid-sentence!

Tanaka-kun wa Kyou mo Kedaruge 35 eps, 2016-07-06 05:37:38
Handa-kun (Sub) 12 eps, 2016-09-24 07:45:21
Maido! Urayasu Tekkin Kazoku 1 eps, 2016-07-13 02:46:03
Rozen Maiden: Meitantei Kunkun 1 eps, 2016-10-18 08:19:05
Jagainu-kun 2 eps, 2016-04-13 15:37:56
Handa-kun (Dub) 12 eps, 2016-10-22 11:58:10
Flint the Time Detective (Dub) 39 eps, 2013-10-22 16:29:56
Flint the Time Detective (Sub) 39 eps, 2014-01-12 00:49:03
Akuma Kun (2023) 12 eps, 2023-11-10 14:25:45
Ketsuekigata-kun! 4 12 eps, 2016-09-04 06:20:26
Magical★Taruruuto-kun 45 eps, 2024-03-08 14:22:39
Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun (Dub) 4 eps, 2023-11-17 09:18:28
