Saikyou Robot Daiouja (Sub)

This is the story of Mito Mitsukuni in mecha style. Prince of the Edon Star, Edward Mito begins a trip to the galaxy with his servant Baron Kalkus, Duke Skead and the ninja girl Shinobu. Under the false identity of Bocchan, Suke and Kaku they help the oppressed people and fight with the super robot Daioja.

Kinnikuman Nisei (Dub) 77 eps, 2014-12-15 05:26:17
Robot Carnival (Dub) 1 eps, 2022-03-18 08:57:41
Kinnikuman II Sei (Sub) 1 eps, 2018-04-12 21:31:53
Hellsing Ultimate (Sub) 10 eps, 2015-02-22 02:04:17
Robot Carnival 9 eps, 2013-07-11 15:59:01
Denpa Kyoushi (Dub) 24 eps, 2015-11-29 07:20:51
Ultimate Girls 12 eps, 2014-02-19 02:19:45
Toei Robot Girls 1 eps, 2015-07-03 16:29:55
Denpa Kyoushi 24 eps, 2015-09-27 09:18:02
Robot Girls Z Plus 6 eps, 2015-10-20 09:33:33
Robot Town Sagami 2028 1 eps, 2016-05-24 06:25:23
