Akkun to Kanojo (Sub)

The romantic comedy follows the everyday life of an extremely tsundere (initially aloof and abrasive, but later kind-hearted) boy named Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari and his girlfriend Non "Nontan" Katagiri. Akkun's behavior is harsh toward Nontan with verbal abuse and neglect, but he actually is head-over-heels for her and habitually acts like a stalker by tailing her or eavesdropping. Nontan is oblivious to Akkun's stalker ways, and thinks his actions are cute.

Renai Boukun (Dub) 12 eps, 2017-07-13 14:56:22
Renai Boukun 12 eps, 2017-06-23 07:30:32
Okashi na Tensei 12 eps, 2023-09-12 22:16:31
Sweet Valerian 26 eps, 2014-10-13 05:42:42
Suiitosupotto 1 eps, 2020-09-23 09:29:18
Kaitei no Boukun 1 eps, 2014-10-14 00:41:45
Tsuyokiss 12 eps, 2014-07-26 06:56:09
Okashi na Tensei (Dub) 12 eps, 2023-09-26 10:22:43
Koisuru Boukun 2 eps, 2013-09-06 11:05:07
Koneko no Chi: Ponponra Daibouken 51 eps, 2017-09-24 09:31:29
Chi's Sweet Home 104 eps, 2012-12-24 09:54:46
Aoi Hana 11 eps, 2015-03-04 05:10:30
Mahou no Angel Sweet Mint 19 eps, 2023-07-25 09:34:00
Chi's New Address 104 eps, 2012-12-23 21:24:11
